
Showing posts from April, 2017

7 (12) day weekend

**This is the first entry ( gas on a plane is last)** We packed our bags and left in hope of answering some lingering questions. We set aside some time to decide between two Italian cities, Livorno or Vicenzia. To make the experience a little less stressful we sprinkled some cities in-between. In the end we did not find the answers we sought. Coming home without that clarity has proven to be difficult. We had deeply hoped to alleviate some of the stress that has come with this life change. Unfortunately now we are back to square one, exploring other countries and possibly other continents. Although we did not find our new home some questions were answered that I didn't know I was asking. I found an important answer and that was yes. An overwhelming yes, yesIi do want to pack my bags, leave my incredible job behind and embark on an adventure with this man.  Yes I want him to pick gravel out of my cuts, and keep track of my credit cards. Yes, I want to be with him when h

Fresh bread and fishing boats

Ah livorno, a quiet fishing town.  We were the only tourists in this town and the best word I could use to describe it is cozy. We arrived in Livorno after a long flight and long train ride and then a bus ride to the air bnb. Because of this I had unfortunately reached toddler hood. Keith tried to remedy the situation by getting food in my ASAP but we quickly found that saturday nights in livorno is the night to eat out with the entire extended family. After a few failed attempted and possibly a tear shed we resulted to a pizza place i saw while researching. A short walk in the opposite direction of the main town led us to a tiny establishment. Each restaurant in livorno seated no more than 10-15 people. After some discussion they gave us a table if we promised to eat within 2 hours. ( no problem ! day one... mistake) This was the moment I knew that Italians were my people. They do this incredible thing with food. you order something,

Stuffed ricotta gnocchi fresh tomato sauce drizzled with pesto (was too long for the map so recently remained; Florence)

home as a feeling and existence of being. We got off the train and looked at each other and it just felt right. Then again it is Florence. we bee lined to gelato and licked my first gelato of the trip in front of the duomo. Next we went inside the duomo. After that we did our share of exploring and shopping. We mad our way to the most wonderful lunch spot. It took a bit of getting lost in order to find it but it worked out perfectly. We sat with two older ladies having lunch. I had fresh spinach noodles with tomatoes and olive oil, then i had a beef stew. This stew was unbelievable. it melted in your mouth. It was incredibly peppery and soaked in red wine. It was everything i have ever wanted. After a few hours spent at lunch i tried grappa for the first time. For those of you who have never had grappa it is essentially just drinkable (barely) gasoline. From there on out i stuck to lemonchello. After our lunch we did a bit more shopping for a different shirt as mine pictured below wa

Drive faster vs tell my parents I love them

Its the climb, aint no mountain high enough, happiness is not a destination its a journey We left Livorno, tummies full of fresh bread and spinach omelets, we placed our suitcases in our white fiat 500 and we were on our way.   julies mind- we will drive the 2.5 hour drive and pull off to wineries on the way keiths mind- we will take the 6 hour back roads through vineyards and stop at wineries along the way. As you can imagine that lack of communication on the plan for the day left two unhappy people me- small amount of car time to get to beautiful lake garda him- the whole day will be a beautiful road trip  The road trip was incredibly beautiful, as we were avoiding highways we were able to see a lot of italy. We made our way to the top of the alps. Literally. I called them wet noodle roads because it literally looked like someone through a wet noodle on a map and decided to call it a road. keith had a little too much fun testing the fiat and its ability to not tip over.

Visiting our summer home

Lake garda was the city I was most excited for. I had googled my heart out and it was finally a reality. We drove into sirmonie and it was life changing. each house was a fairytale beauty. each home had lilacs flowing like hair from rapunzel. We drove into the city and it was just before the sun was setting. We hit the end of the road with a massive stunning castle before us. We looked defeatedly at our gps as the nice lady told us to keep going straight. after a moment of pause at the dead end, a man came up and asked for our names and reservation. we told him where we were staying and our names. He looked at his computer and he told us to drive forward. Mind you forward is just a massive castle. we obliged and drove over the wooden drawbridge. it moaned and clanked as it held the weight of a car. tourists squeezed up the castle walls so our car could drive through. once on the other side of the castle we were essentially driving down a sidewalk. A sidewalk that is full of tables and