Stuffed ricotta gnocchi fresh tomato sauce drizzled with pesto (was too long for the map so recently remained; Florence)

home as a feeling and existence of being.

We got off the train and looked at each other and it just felt right. Then again it is Florence. we bee lined to gelato and licked my first gelato of the trip in front of the duomo. Next we went inside the duomo. After that we did our share of exploring and shopping. We mad our way to the most wonderful lunch spot. It took a bit of getting lost in order to find it but it worked out perfectly. We sat with two older ladies having lunch. I had fresh spinach noodles with tomatoes and olive oil, then i had a beef stew. This stew was unbelievable. it melted in your mouth. It was incredibly peppery and soaked in red wine. It was everything i have ever wanted. After a few hours spent at lunch i tried grappa for the first time. For those of you who have never had grappa it is essentially just drinkable (barely) gasoline. From there on out i stuck to lemonchello. After our lunch we did a bit more shopping for a different shirt as mine pictured below was terrible. And shopping for a wallet for Catherine. We eventually had to take breaks on the sidewalk from the hot sunshine and tired feet. We decided to take one of our rests in a wine shop. Here we drank cold white wine and we made friends with the server. After some discussion he took our phone called a restaurant and made us dinner reservations. " you will have a good meal"

At the dinner spot, we sat on the side of the street with the other 3 tables this restaurant had. I ordered the stuffed ricotta and waited for my life to be changed. No words can describe how truly magnificent this plate was. I will just urge you to look at the picture and understand that each aspect of it is perfectly balanced and works together in complete harmony to bring you complete food bliss.  after a life-changing pasta dish, we ran for the second to last train home.  Unfortunately, this time we did not make it.  It was a good run from which we could spend the next 35 minutes resting until the next train arrived around 1115 pm. We then rode the 1hr 20 minute train home only to be awoken by a police officer barking at us for managing to lay across 4 chairs and be completely asleep and drooling,. Florence was perfect.

keith in his happy place
falling madly
lunch with the locals, pasta stew, fucking grappa
tired feet
ponte veccio
leather wallets
wine bar
dinner (epic)
cold air

running for trains, sleeping on trains
